


商品名 EYEMAGING アイマジン
区分 化粧品/目元用美容液 Cosmetics/eye serum
内容量 6ml
成分 水、エタノール、BG、グリセリン、アルギン酸Na、パンテノール、カルボキシメチルキチン、 加水分解シルク、グルコシルヘスペリジン、ヒアルロン酸Na、イノシトール、クエン酸、クエン酸Na、メチルパラベン
Water, ethanol, BG, glycerin, sodium alginate, panthenol, carboxymethylchitin, hydrolysed silk, glucosyl hesperidin, sodium hyaluronate, inositol, citric acid, sodium citrate, methylparaben.
使用方法 洗顔後の清潔なまつ毛にご使用ください。
Use on clean lashes after cleansing.
Afterwards, when applying make-up, allow to dry thoroughly before applying a layer of mascara.
Be careful not to get it into your eyes and blend it in by lifting from the bottom up.
使用上・保管上の注意 ●お肌に異常が生じていないかよく注意してお使いください。
●直射日光のあたる場所や高温多湿の場所を避け、乳幼児の手の 届かないところに保管してください。

●開封後はお早めにご使用ください。 使用後は必ずしっかりフタを閉めてください。
Use with care to avoid any skin problems.
If the cosmetics do not agree with your skin, i.e. in the following cases, discontinue use.
Continued use of cosmetics may aggravate symptoms and it is recommended to consult a dermatologist or other specialist.
(1) If redness, swelling, itching, irritation, colour loss (e.g. white spots) or darkening or other abnormalities occur during use.
(2) If any of the above-mentioned abnormalities appear on the skin exposed to direct sunlight.
Keep out of the reach of children.
Avoid direct sunlight, high temperatures and high humidity and keep out of the reach of infants.
If it gets into your eyes, rinse immediately with water or lukewarm water.

Use as soon as possible after opening. Always close the lid tightly after use.
製造国 made in japan
JANコード 4589923572369